Wednesday 26 November 2008

Preliminary task storyboard

This is my preliminary task photographic storyboard.
It is quite hard to read but it is the only way I could upload it to my blog.

Sunday 23 November 2008

Preliminary task evaluation

My film ‘The break up’ starring Helena Webb and Sam Johnson and was filmed by Lizzy Morey and myself. It is a short film about a couple breaking up due to infidelity. Sam admits to Helena that he cheated on her.
My group and I used some new Apple Mac computers to edit our film and then a basic PC to upload it to youtube and then our Blogs.

We had a couple of difficulties during the process of making the film. Firstly instead of transferring our film straight from the video camera to the Mac computers, we downloaded it to a CD and tried to put it on the Macs but that didn’t work. It took a while getting used to the new technology. After saving our edited version of the film onto my external hard drive we also had difficulty getting it to work on the normal PCs (which had internet enabling us to upload it to youtube) as we are students and not administrators. Once we had sorted this out youtube wouldn't let all of us upload our video to our youtube pages as they counted as duplicates (once Helena had uploaded it to hers). I have created a link to youtube enabling you to see it.
Although it was difficult with all of the new technology I felt the editing went very smoothly and I am pleased with the end result. Once we had got used to the Mac computers they were easier to use. The editing software is simple and makes it easy to e.g. add music into the background. The actual filming also went well and was fun. Our group got on really well and we all had different jobs to be getting on with at different times. I felt the organisation of our group was good as we were all happy with the gobs we were doing e.g. Lizzy and I filming while Sam and Helena preformed. For our preliminary task we had to include, match on action, the 180 degree rule and a reverse shot. I felt they worked well and the different shots fitted together smoothly.

The clothes that Sam and Helena are wearing in the film represent high school students, this is also represented by the environment that the film is set in (a class room). The fact that Sam says “I cheated on you” suggests that they are boyfriend and girlfriend and although Helena doesn’t say anything in response her facial expression shows the viewer that she is hurt and shocked. The drama is mainly created by the background music. Even at the start of the film the music signifies to the viewer that something bad is going to happen due to the tension that is built up. ‘Match on action’ is used right at the beginning of the film, when Helena is shown entering the classroom. The one action of her coming through the door was shot from two different angles. ‘Shot/ reverse shot’ was used just after this while the two characters were talking. The ‘180 degree rule’ was also in place at this time, while they were talking as the camera remained on the same side of an imaginary line.

Overall I think that our short film was a success and that we gained a lot of knowledge in terms of how to work the equipment, and how to organise our time as it takes longer than I would have originally expected it to. Next time I will make sure I do more filming so I have more to choose from during editing.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

prelimarinary video

This is link to our short video, the break-up. It is for our prelimarinary AS media task